The 5 Types Of Non-Destructive Testing

The 5 Types Of Non-Destructive Testing

Often used in manufacturing and design, non destructive testing UAE analyzes a material’s structural integrity without damaging or permanently altering it. Unlike radiographic and destructive testing, NDT allows the material to survive the examination, saving time and resources. This inspection method is also more effective at detecting discontinuities and differences in material characteristics. It can be used to find flaws in materials before they are put into service.

Liquid penetrant and magnetic particle testing:

There are several different types of non-destructive testing techniques. The most common methods include liquid penetrant and magnetic particle testing. These methods are typically used to detect surface-breaking cracks and differences in material properties. There are several other techniques, however, that only allow for surface inspection.

Visual inspection:

Another type of NDT is a visual inspection. This technique involves using a remote visual inspection device (RVI) to provide a more detailed look at the object being inspected. These inspections can be conducted indoors using flashlights to add depth to the material being inspected or outdoors with a camera. The inspector can then visually review the object to determine whether or not it is defective. In some cases, the inspector can see the exact location and extent of the defect. Sometimes, the inspector may hang a camera on the asset to record the inspection.

Edgy current testing:

Eddy current testing is a non-destructive test that uses measurements of electrical currents in a magnetic field surrounding a conductive material. The flow of these currents disrupts the flow of the magnetized particles, which produces a visual indication of imperfections.

Infrared testing:

Infrared testing is an alternative non-destructive testing method that uses the heat flow within a material. This can be used to determine if a material is prone to fracture and identify where a defect may be located. This method can be particularly useful for finding defects in metals that are susceptible to fatigue cracks.

Radiographic and ultrasonic testing:

Other modern techniques include radiographic and ultrasonic testing. Radiography is a process in which an object is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, such as gamma rays. The radiation then creates a photographic record of the object. The resulting image is then processed to develop a film. In ultrasonic testing, high-frequency sound waves are transmitted through the material, allowing the inspector to detect defects.